
Up and running

After having issues with my domain name, learning all about DNS settings, spending way too many hours tweaking the layout and playing with widgets I think I am at last happy with the overall look of my blog.  Please do let me know if you spot any errors or find anything which isn’t working as it should.  I appreciate there is not a huge amount of content as yet but I am looking forward to sharing my hooky adventures !

I have missed the calming nature of crochet this weekend.  My hooking has taken a back seat over the weekend whilst setting up my blog. The housework hasn’t faired much better but I have at least tidied, hoovered and put my Sunday roast in the oven.  As the fragrant smell of dinner starts wafting through the flat Mr B and Miss M have now woken from their slumber and are padding around, ever hopeful a small treat may appear in their bowls !

This blogging lark is nearly as addictive as hooking !  I best get a wiggle on or dinner will be ruined.  Take care everyone.

6 thoughts on “Up and running

  1. Love your blog 💗Your blankets are beautiful. Crochet is so relaxing and addictive. Plus you have two cute cats to keep you company. 🐱🐱 keep on blogging and hooking 👏

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your blog is just adorable! What a beautiful kitty!! I have three cats, Rose, Romeo and HoBo. Enjoy your beautiful new blog and you did a wonderful job on it! Happy crocheting! I am crocheting today too and you have a new follower! Sandy

    Liked by 1 person

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